Pioneer Cemeteries and Their Stories,

Madison County, Indiana

Pee-Wee Cemetery

Home Up

aka Prince of Peace

Adams Township

Location: southwest corner of CRs 600S and 50E

Pee Wee Cemetery west of Ovid--this view is from the newer section looking north over the hill and onto a valley along Fall Creek.

     Like so many other pioneer cemeteries, the Pee-Wee is connected to a church.  In 1830, the "Pewee" Baptist Church was formed, and in 1834 a building half a mile west of New Columbus (Ovid) was constructed.  On the same hill as the church, overlooking CR 600S and a valley along Fall Creek beyond, the cemetery was consecrated for the remains of the faithful.  From the transcription of the gravestones, the Davis family had two members who were among the first to utilize the cemetery's services, a thirty year old adult who died July 2, 1835, and Reuben Davis who died July 27, 1842.

  Pictured left and right are stones for members of the Biddle family.  Caleb, left, is listed as a first land owner in historian Samuel Harden's The Pioneer.  Caleb died September 10, 1849, at sixty-nine years of age.  That would make his birth year around 1780.  At right is the stone for Ardella, daughter of R. (Randle) Biddle.


    Another settler to Adams Township, buried here is Mathias Maddron/Madren.  Mathias and his family came as early as 1833 from Pasquotank County, North Carolina.  He was born there September 22, 1806, and in 1829 married Lurena Clark, born January 5, 1809.  Four years after the marriage and with members of their southern community, "...they came west with little of this world's goods when they arrived, but by industry and frugality obtained quite an estate and lived to enjoy the fruits of their early labor," as historian Harden puts it.  Mrs. Maddron/Madren died in 1863 and Mathias in 1887.  "Mr. Maddron was a strong man and helped much to make this county what it is today.  He as well as his wife endured hardships the people of today (1895) know but little about...  Mr. M. was an honest man, a hard worker... an old-time Democrat and will long be remembered as one of the Pioneers of Madison county [of the] 'Carolina' Settlelment." summarized Harden.  Mathias and Lurena had the following children: Lurana, Rebecca, Miles, Sarah, Mary, Emily, Nancy, William R., John A., and Joseph.


At left, "Luraney wife of Mathias Madren. died Mar. 1, 1863. aged 54 YS 1 MO 3 DS."  She and her daughter Sarah, far left, have well preserved markers.  The weeping willow tree at the top of Luraney's stone was a Victorian symbol for the grieving of the living for her passing.


Obadiah and Lucy Ann Mort Hull, left and right, originally from Montgomery County, Ohio, were settlers in mid 19th century to the land across Fall Creek north of the Pewee Baptist Church and its cemetery.  Sections of the Hull property continued to be owned by descendants into the 21st century.  Evidently from the flowers left at their  reset gravestones, one of their present-day family members (2004) has done his/her genealogy. 


    An indispensable craftsman to any pioneer community is buried here.  Peter Fesler/Festler was a blacksmith as well as being a farmer.  Blacksmithing was one of the most important positions among the early settlers because blacksmiths--workers in iron and metals--kept horses shod, wagons and tools functioning, and household appointments and farm equipment serviceable.  Peter was born in Pennsylvania in 1805 and migrated to Adams Township in 1840 along with other members of his adult family.  He purchased a farm north of Ovid/New Columbus, added several hundred acres along the north bank of Fall Creek, and eventually became financially successful enough to afford to build a brick home, a show place for its time.  Mr. Fesler was also politically involved.  He was a democrat and elected county commissioner in 1862 during the Civil War and was a stockholder in the Anderson-New Columbus Turnpike.  Unlike his sister Catharine Fesler who married William Saunders and became a member of the Mt. Zion Lutheran Church in Ovid, Peter was a devoted German Baptist or Dunkard.  Church services were often held in his barn before the congregation could afford to build a separate house of worship.  Mr. Fesler gave generously of his time and means toward construction of the first large German Baptist church near his home; however, he did not live to see it completed.  He died November 13, 1872, and is buried with other members of the Fesler family here at the neighboring Pewee Baptist cemetery.

There are seventeen members of the Fesler family buried here at the Pee-Wee.  Along with Peter Fesler is relative Jacob Fesler who came around 1843 to the same locale, Adams Township.  Jacob died March 3, 1882. Jacob's wife was Margaret Culp, whose stone is broken in half; the top part, at right, is resting under a nearby tree.  She died in 1869 at sixty-eight years old


Two Victorian, mid 19th century, stones for children still exist.  Although blackened by mold, the one on the left must be for twelve year old  Albert Scott who died in 1865.  The one on the right will remain a mystery until chalked or rubbed to bring out the incising. 


Two markers, each for a Nancy, represent female settlers.  Nancy Scott was the wife of Elsberry Scott.  She died August 18, 1857.  Her broken stone, left, is lying on top of its base.  Nancy Cupp, at right, has an intact marker.  She died October 4, 1866.



    While the Pewee Baptist Church congregation grew in the first half of the 19th century, in the latter half, members numbered less than a dozen, and they held services just once a month.  In spite of the church's eventual demise, the cemetery continued to be utilized by area residents, and a new section was added to the south for future "members."

    The Pee-Wee Cemetery is one of the pioneer burial grounds whose gravestone inscriptions were recorded by early 20th century Madison County historian Glen Walker.  When he passed his transcriptions onto Madison County Historical Society member W. Lloyd Scott in 1967,  Mr. Walker wrote, "My original record of the burials in the Pee-Wee Cemetery was made in 1932, revised in 1942 and again in June of 1952.  It is believed to be reasonably accurate as far as it goes, but there are still a few of the old markers I have never been able to decipher."  The MCCC and 21st century genealogists remain indebted to Glen Walker for his devotion and tireless efforts

    Glen Walker's transcription of the legible gravestones formed the basis for the burial list below.  Names and dates of some later 20th century deaths were added by the volunteers at the Madison County Historical Society.  This more recent information suggests which family settlers still have descendents living in the area.  Here again, the Davis family figures prominently as an example of "putting down roots."   There are twenty-four of that surname listed below.  Reaching back into the 18th century is Susania who was fifty-six years old in 1854 when she died.  That makes her birth year 1798.   Extending the family more closely into the present, researcher Naomi Davis would like her father Keith Maurice Davis, who died October 31, 1994, added to the Pee-Wee Cemetery story.  His name is on the same stone as his wife's, who was Marilyn; she is on the burial list.  Their stone, "at the top of the hill near the back fence row," also includes the recorded names of Smithson and Irene Davis.




ID Names Birth Date Death Date Cemetery
285 ADAMS, JOHN S. 76Y. 2M. 20D. JUL. 27, 1902 PEE-WEE
2699 BANES, _______ 6Y. 6M. 3D. JUN. 2, 1888 PEE-WEE
3353 BAYER, NELLIE 1882 1888 PEE-WEE
4578 BIDDLE, (INFANT)   AUG. 24, 1873 PEE-WEE
4582 BIDDLE, ARDELLA M. 3Y. 1M. 21D. SEP. 16, 1872 PEE-WEE
4583 BIDDLE, ARRETHAM 2Y. 3M. 5D. SEP. 30, 1897 PEE-WEE
4586 BIDDLE, CALEB 62Y. SEP. 10, 1849 PEE-WEE
4598 BIDDLE, ESTHER A. 67Y. 6M. 6D. MAR. 7, 1897 PEE-WEE
4606 BIDDLE, JAMES 74Y. 2M. 20D. JAN. 27 1892 PEE-WEE
4613 BIDDLE, MINNIE MAY 20, 1876 AUG. 23, 1876 PEE-WEE
4618 BIDDLE, POLLY 70Y. 9M. 8D. JUN. 26, 1854 PEE-WEE
4619 BIDDLE, RANDLE 1827 APR. 14, 1895 PEE-WEE
4622 BIDDLE, SARAH E. 8Y. 10M. 29D. OCT. 29, 1862 PEE-WEE
4623 BIDDLE, SOPHIA MAR. 24, 1830 DEC. 30, 1881 PEE-WEE
4625 BIDDLE, TELL MAY 20, 1876 MAY 23, 1876 PEE-WEE
8425 BUSANAH, _________ 26Y. 7M. 7D.   PEE-WEE
9156 CARDER, DONALD L. AUG. 26, 1927 FEB. 14, 1992 PEE-WEE
10267 CHAPPEL, JEHU 1849 1917 PEE-WEE
10268 CHAPPEL, JULIA A. 1858 1929 PEE-WEE
10595 CLARK, CHARLES E. 1847 1906 PEE-WEE
10684 CLARK, JOHN R. 2Y. SEP. 18, 1863 PEE-WEE
10792 CLARK, WILLIAM 61Y. 4M. 14D. FEB. 18, 1875 PEE-WEE
10908 CLEM, ANNA VIRGIL 1892 1894 PEE-WEE
10938 CLEM, JONAS E. 1880 1944 PEE-WEE
10946 CLEM, LORAN A. 1896 1897 PEE-WEE
10947 CLEM, LUCINDA SEP. 3, 1840 AUG. 5, 1897 PEE-WEE
10957 CLEM, MAUD MAY 1887 1897 PEE-WEE
10962 CLEM, PHILLIP 1838 1916 PEE-WEE
12436 COOPER, GEORGE M. NOV. 2, 1862 NOV. 18, 1880 PEE-WEE
12468 COOPER, MARY A. 1845 1933 PEE-WEE
12502 COOPER, WILLIAM 1836 1900 PEE-WEE
13511 CREIG, CLOVER 25Y. MAY 4, 1896 PEE-WEE
13971 CULLIPHER, ANN ELIZA 22Y. 1M. 27D. JAN. 7, 1862 PEE-WEE
13975 CULLIPHER, EMMATELL 7M. 29D. JUN. 15, 1862 PEE-WEE
13978 CULLIPHER, ISAAC 61Y. 11M. 19D. AUG. 11, 1865 PEE-WEE
13982 CULLIPHER, MARTHA A. 2Y. 8M. 8D. DEC. 12, 1865 PEE-WEE
13984 CULLIPHER, MILES M. 1Y. 5M. 10D. SEP. 5, 1866 PEE-WEE
14201 CUPP, (INFANT SON)   OCT. 11, 1868 PEE-WEE
14207 CUPP, NANCY 85Y. 11M. 3D. OCT. 4, 1866 PEE-WEE
14683 DAVIS, _______ 30Y. 4M. 14D. JUL. 2, 1835 PEE-WEE
14685 DAVIS, ADA MAY 1888 1898 PEE-WEE
14725 DAVIS, BETTY 1934   PEE-WEE
14767 DAVIS, DAVID JUN. 4, 1822 AUG. 15, 1877 PEE-WEE
14821 DAVIS, ESTELLA C. 1871 1955 PEE-WEE
14854 DAVIS, GARNET 1895 1898 PEE-WEE
14897 DAVIS, IRA 1796 NOV. 23, 1863 PEE-WEE
14898 DAVIS, IRENE 1902 1979 PEE-WEE
14908 DAVIS, JAMES 43Y. 5M. 6D. DEC. 23, 1870 PEE-WEE
14945 DAVIS, JOHN ALLEN 1870 1937 PEE-WEE
14960 DAVIS, JOHN SMITH 76Y. 2M. 20D. JUL. 27, 1902 PEE-WEE
15029 DAVIS, MARIUM 75Y. 8M. 17D. MAR. 31, 1880 PEE-WEE
15030 DAVIS, MARIUN 76Y. 2M. 20D. JUL. 27, 1902 PEE-WEE
15032 DAVIS, MARTHA 1858 1918 PEE-WEE
15039 DAVIS, MARY JUN. 5, 1823 DEC. 25, 1852 PEE-WEE
15073 DAVIS, MIRIAM 60Y. 4M. 16D. JUL. 2, 1865 PEE-WEE
15075 DAVIS, MYRTLE MARIE AUG. 13, 1911 AUG. 31, 1912 PEE-WEE
15079 DAVIS, NANCY 69Y. 3M. 27D. JUL. 21, 1899 PEE-WEE
15120 DAVIS, REUBEN MAR. 1, 1825 AUG. 27, 1842 PEE-WEE
15129 DAVIS, RONALD 1933   PEE-WEE
15153 DAVIS, SMITHSON 1896 1979 PEE-WEE
15157 DAVIS, SUSANIA APR. 3, 1798 AUG. 26, 1854 PEE-WEE
18382 EMERY, _______     PEE-WEE
18409 EMSWILER, (MRS. SAMUEL) 41Y. OCT. 19, 1898 PEE-WEE
18410 EMSWILER, GERNIE 1881 1931 PEE-WEE
18412 EMSWILER, SAMUEL 1862 1930 PEE-WEE
18415 EMSWUILER, (INFANT)   JAN. 24, 1896 PEE-WEE
18413 EMSWUILER, (INFANT) 4Y. JAN. 15, 1896 PEE-WEE
18414 EMSWUILER, (INFANT) 2Y. JAN. 14, 1896 PEE-WEE
19075 FALKENBERRY, EVA M. JUN. 18, 1902 SEP. 30, 1902 PEE-WEE
19583 FESLER, BEULAH M. MAY 4, 1917   PEE-WEE
19585 FESLER, CLIFFORD 1902 1902 PEE-WEE
19589 FESLER, DORA 1879 1915 PEE-WEE
19593 FESLER, ELLA 1879 1941 PEE-WEE
19597 FESLER, FREDERICK MAY 7, 1835 JUN. 11, 1920 PEE-WEE
19602 FESLER, HARRY V. 11M. 28D. JAN. 13, 1871 PEE-WEE
19604 FESLER, HORWARD D. NOV. 13, 1914 DEC. 5, 1997 PEE-WEE
19607 FESLER, JACOB OCT. 28, 1831 MAR. 5, 1882 PEE-WEE
19609 FESLER, JAMES WOODROW NOV. 27, 1912 JUL. 11, 1993 PEE-WEE
19617 FESLER, LYDIA C. 1861 1881 PEE-WEE
19618 FESLER, MABEL 1909 1919 PEE-WEE
19621 FESLER, MALINDA J. FEB. 5, 1835 AUG. 18, 1904 PEE-WEE
19622 FESLER, MARGARET (CULP) 68Y. 5M. 24D. FEB. 1869 PEE-WEE
19623 FESLER, MARIAH 52Y. 11M. 18D. AUG. 10, 1881 PEE-WEE
19629 FESLER, PETER 66Y. 11M. 21D. 1872 PEE-WEE
19633 FESLER, SARAH 64Y. 8M. 5D. FEB. 2, 1875 PEE-WEE
19641 FESTLER, FREDRECK MAY 7, 1835 JUN. 11, 1920 PEE-WEE
22156 GARNET, _______ 1895 1898 PEE-WEE
22700 GILES, LOUISA 23Y. 7M. 13D. NOV. 25, 1858 PEE-WEE
22702 GILES, SAMUEL 2M. 16D. JUL. 5, 1868 PEE-WEE
23869 GRAY, ELIZABETH MAR. 28, 1829 APR. 26, 1896 PEE-WEE
23910 GRAY, LOVENIA 1831 1863 PEE-WEE
23924 GRAY, MARY M. 7M. 15D. SEP. 1, 1862 PEE-WEE
23943 GRAY, SAMUEL JUL. 1, 1834 JUL. 9, 1899 PEE-WEE
23951 GRAY, VIRGINIA 20Y. 3M. 29D. JUL. 28, 1858 PEE-WEE
23961 GRAY, WILLIAM R. 1Y. 3M. 5D. OCT. 1, 1856 PEE-WEE
27270 HAYWOOD, M. D. 3M. 12D. APR. 13, 186_ PEE-WEE
30325 HUDSON, MARY S. 1879 1940 PEE-WEE
30814 HULL, LUCY ANN 56Y. 17D. AUG. 1874 PEE-WEE
30821 HULL, OBEDIAH 73Y. 2M. 2D. NOV. 6, 1870 PEE-WEE
31054 HUNTER, MILLA 1799 1872 PEE-WEE
32583 JOHNSON, _________ APR. 9, 1864 OCT. 28, 1921 PEE-WEE
33635 JORDAN, MYRTLE MAR. 14, 1879 APR. 9, 1883 PEE-WEE
33647 JORDAN, WILLIAM H. FEB. 14, 1843 JAN. 1899 PEE-WEE
34213 KELLER, CHRISTINA JAN. 17, 1859 JAN. 12, 1894 PEE-WEE
34231 KELLER, HENRY A. 1Y. 4M. JUN. 5, 1885 PEE-WEE
34235 KELLER, JOHN H. 1856 1919 PEE-WEE
34254 KELLER, WILLIE 2Y. _M. 12D. MAY 2, 1881 PEE-WEE
37156 LEAVELL, PHYLLIS "SUE" (SULLIV DEC. 26, 1931 JAN.16, 1995 PEE-WEE
37168 LEBURA, MILES 1853 1924 PEE-WEE
37435 LEGG, BEULAH V. 1898 19__ PEE-WEE
37441 LEGG, CLARENCE 1899 1934 PEE-WEE
37452 LEGG, FRANCIS M. 1858 1913 PEE-WEE
37460 LEGG, JAMES M. JAN. 23, 1856 NOV. 3, 1906 PEE-WEE
37461 LEGG, JENNIE D. 1866 1932 PEE-WEE
37467 LEGG, LESTER R. AUG. 14, 1890 JUN. 11, 1966 PEE-WEE
37470 LEGG, MARGARET F. 1860 1914 PEE-WEE
37484 LEGG, RAYMOND F. MAR. 27, 1924 MAR. 6, 1944 PEE-WEE
37494 LEGG, WELZA E. 1886 1921 PEE-WEE
38285 LISTER, ELIZABETH 1799 OCT. 9, 1876 PEE-WEE
39250 MADREN, (INFANT) 4D. APR. 6, 1856 PEE-WEE
39251 MADREN, LAURANEY 54Y. 1M. 3D. MAR. 1, 1863 PEE-WEE
39252 MADREN, MATHIAS SEP. 22, 1806 NOV. 23, 1887 PEE-WEE
39253 MADREN, SARAH ANN 20Y. 11M. 12D. 1859 PEE-WEE
39401 MAJORS, ________ 50Y. 8M. 14D. 1876 PEE-WEE
40421 MAY, ADA 1888 1898 PEE-WEE
40432 MAY, GARNETT 1895 1898 PEE-WEE
40654 MCCABE, PHOEBE M. 1898 1964 PEE-WEE
40754 MCCARTY, ADA R. 1895 1972 PEE-WEE
40759 MCCARTY, BERTHA A. 4Y. 8M. 22D. OCT. 6, 1886 PEE-WEE
40760 MCCARTY, BESSIE MAY 3M. 24D. JUN. 17, 1884 PEE-WEE
40814 MCCARTY, MATHEW 1860 1942 PEE-WEE
40815 MCCARTY, MATILDA S. 1863 1913 PEE-WEE
40832 MCCARTY, WALTER F. 1885 1934 PEE-WEE
41056 MCCLURE, JOHN W. AUG. 1, 1822 SEP. 17, 1885 PEE-WEE
41314 MCCRAY, MAY S. (HUDSON) 1879 1940 PEE-WEE
41316 MCCRAY, WILLARD H. 1872 1941 PEE-WEE
41380 MCCUNE, EVERETT 1893 1934 PEE-WEE
42374 MCUNE, EDNA F. 1902 1969 PEE-WEE
42376 MCUNE, JOE R. DEC. 21, 1929 SEP. 10, 1930 PEE-WEE
42377 MCUNE, MELVIN H. MAR. 22, 1932 JUN. 16, 1951 PEE-WEE
42379 MCUNE, NEWTON H. 1898 1978 PEE-WEE
42380 MCUNE, PERRY P. 1868 1954 PEE-WEE
42381 MCUNE, ROBERT J.   MAY 5, 1944 PEE-WEE
42382 MCUNE, SARAH M. 1874 1950 PEE-WEE
43589 MINKER, MILLA 73Y. 7M. 17D. FEB. 21, 1872 PEE-WEE
44432 MORAN, MARGARET   JUL. 14, 1920 PEE-WEE
44435 MORAN, OTHA MAR. 12, 1917 JUL. 2, 1979 PEE-WEE
44805 MORT, EZRA   1865 PEE-WEE
44812 MORT, SUSANNAH 1839 1865 PEE-WEE
44814 MORT, WILLIAM 75Y. 5M. 6D. OCT. 7, 1865 PEE-WEE
45183 MUNKER, MILLA 73Y. 7M. 11D. FEB. 21, 1872 PEE-WEE
46419 NORMAN, OTHA MAR. 12, 1917 JUL. 2, 1979 PEE-WEE
48432 PERKEY, JOSEPH W. 1848 1930 PEE-WEE
48433 PERKEY, MARTHA E. 1851 1931 PEE-WEE
49392 POOL, SOLOMON 54Y. NOV. 1866 PEE-WEE
50509 RANK, FREDRICK 73Y. 5M. 26D. JUL. 4, 1889 PEE-WEE
52129 RIGGS, JOSEPH D. 11Y. 1M. 1D. APR. 26, 1844 PEE-WEE
52431 RITTER, ELIZABETH SEP. 6, 1860 AUG. 17, 1883 PEE-WEE
52452 RITTER, ROSCOE 1881 1910 PEE-WEE
54287 SAVER, NELLIE 6Y. 6M. 3D. JUN. 2, 1888 PEE-WEE
54311 SAYER, MILLIE 6Y. 6M. 3D. JUN. 2, 1888 PEE-WEE
54453 SCHIEWE, HENRY WILLIAM MAR. 12, 1924 MAR. 31, 1969 PEE-WEE
54804 SCOTT, ALBERT 12Y. 10M. 26D. 1865 PEE-WEE
54900 SCOTT, HAYWOOD 3M. 11D. APR. 11, 1863 PEE-WEE
54933 SCOTT, KISIAH J. 1849 1858 PEE-WEE
54956 SCOTT, MARTHA A. 42Y. 4M. 6D. JUL. 25, 1873 PEE-WEE
54973 SCOTT, MATILDA E. 36Y. 6M. 11D. OCT. 14, 1865 PEE-WEE
54982 SCOTT, NANCY 24Y. 6M. AUG. 18, 1857 PEE-WEE
55017 SCOTT, SHARLOT F. 5Y. 2M. 20D. AUG. 7, 1857 PEE-WEE
55824 SHAWYER, HENRY DEC. 1832 JUN. 16, 1905 PEE-WEE
55826 SHAWYER, JACOB 1829 1904 PEE-WEE
55829 SHAWYER, MARY 45Y. 4M. 17D. NOV. 6, 1881 PEE-WEE
55831 SHAWYER, WINNIE M. 1869 1871 PEE-WEE
57904 SMITH, JESSIE P. 1899 1920 PEE-WEE
57922 SMITH, JOHN SMITH 1826 1902 PEE-WEE
58044 SMITH, MARY A. 1875 1960 PEE-WEE
58055 SMITH, MARY ELIZABETH 45Y. 4M. 15D. JAN. 13, 1901 PEE-WEE
58242 SMITH, WILLIAM G. 1873 1931 PEE-WEE
59036 STACY, MARY 1885 1927 PEE-WEE
59316 STANLEY, JOHN A. 1838 1950? PEE-WEE
59339 STANLEY, MARGARETA 1827 NOV. 22, 1850 PEE-WEE
60217 STINSON, MOSES 59Y. 8M. 14D. JUL. 27, 1876 PEE-WEE
60812 SULLIVAN, DAVIS 1898 1991 PEE-WEE
60814 SULLIVAN, EARL J. 1922 1991 PEE-WEE
60865 SULLIVAN, MARY ALICE OCT. 25, 1867 FEB. 19, 1900 PEE-WEE
60884 SULLIVAN, SARAH B. 1865 1920 PEE-WEE
60887 SULLIVAN, STELLA E. 1899 1984 PEE-WEE
60890 SULLIVAN, VEVA APR. 17, 1896 JUN. 9, 1918 PEE-WEE
60891 SULLIVAN, VIRGINIA JAN. 24, 1927 JAN. 25, 1927 PEE-WEE
60998 SURBER, GEORGE W.   JAN. 4, 187_ PEE-WEE
62555 THOMPSON, JOSHUA 1838 1871 PEE-WEE
62592 THOMPSON, SAMUEL J. 1865 1911 PEE-WEE
62773 TIBBETS, EMILY OCT. 11, 1842 DEC. 2, 1916 PEE-WEE
62772 TIBBETS, EMILY 1842 JUL. 10, 1865 PEE-WEE
62774 TIBBETS, GEORGE 1866 1935 PEE-WEE
62775 TIBBETS, SAMUEL SEP. 30, 1840 MAR. 25, 1927 PEE-WEE
62776 TIBBETS, WALTER 1866 1933 PEE-WEE
63485 TROXEL, ABRAHAM 78Y. 1M. 25D. JAN. 1, 1899 PEE-WEE
63525 TRUEBLOOD, MARTHA 34Y. 3D. JUN. 18, 1868 PEE-WEE
64688 VESTAL, ALICE OCT. 16, 1873 JUL. 16, 1919 PEE-WEE
64712 VESTAL, ROBERT LEONIDAS OCT. 10, 1872 JAN. 26, 1959 PEE-WEE
64713 VESTAL, ROBERT LINDSAY MAR. 10, 1930 AUG. 24, 1992 PEE-WEE
66276 WEBB, MARION L. "PETE" MAY 22, 1932 OCT. 23, 1993 PEE-WEE
66288 WEBB, NANCY G. FEB. 6, 1936   PEE-WEE
67816 WILLAM, ADAMAY 1888 1898 PEE-WEE
67817 WILLAM, CHRISTENA JAN. 17, 1859 JAN. 12, 1894 PEE-WEE
67818 WILLAM, DELLA R. 1871 1946 PEE-WEE
67819 WILLAM, ISAAC M. 1857 1913 PEE-WEE
67820 WILLAM, JOHN A. 22Y. DEC. 7, 1850 PEE-WEE
67821 WILLAM, JOHN H. JUL. 4, 1856 JAN. 12, 1894 PEE-WEE
67822 WILLAM, MARTHA 1858 1918 PEE-WEE
67823 WILLAM, MILLA 73yr. 7mo. 17da. FEB. 21, 1872 PEE-WEE
67824 WILLAM, NELLIE 6Y. 6M. 3D. JUN. 2, 1888 PEE-WEE
67825 WILLAM, R.     PEE-WEE